Mad Passion Read online

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  She turned in surprise, having not heard his entrance. “What are you doing in here?” she asked breathlessly.

  Tyree couldn’t seem to form any words at the moment. All he could do was snatch her up against his chest and commandeer her mouth. It wasn’t a kiss fueled by passion but by sheer greed. He didn’t want to share her with anyone, and the only way he could think of to get her to see it, was to show her with his body.

  Madison struggled at first, not liking the bruising kiss Tyree assaulted her with. As he gentled his invasion, she began to respond to the stroke of his tongue with her own. He rubbed his thumb over her towel covered nipple causing her to moan into his mouth.

  That was all the encouragement he needed. Tyree undid the knot holding her towel up and let it fall to the floor. Without breaking the kiss, he lifted her up and wrapped her legs around his waist as he backed her up to the dresser. Sitting her on the dresser, he broke the kiss to lavish her breasts with his wet mouth. As he closed his lips around her nipple, she arched her back, begging for more. His free hand went to the zipper of his pants as he suckled her breasts over and over.

  Once he had his pants down to his ankles, he placed his hand at her sex and rubbed the wet folds. She was dripping wet and he couldn’t hold back any longer. Taking hold of his dick, he inserted the head just inside her soaked lips. Gritting his teeth, he surged forward, entering her in one swift thrust. He heard her intake of breath at his intrusion, but he didn’t care. All he could think of was slamming into her over and over again. Grasping her ass in his hands, he returned his mouth to hers. His tongue matched each uninhabited plunge of his shaft. He knew if there was a heaven on earth, it was being inside Mad.

  Madison was so caught up in their frenzied fucking that she couldn’t muster up any resistance or regret. Her body was humming from the constant thrusting of Tyree’s cock. As he pounded into her pussy, she could feel him deeper than ever before. The pace increased and she felt her climax coming upon her. God, she was in heaven.

  As Tyree felt her tightening around him, he slammed into her even harder. Just when he thought he would die from the feel of her, he came. It was so powerful, that he lifted her off the dresser on his last drive, spilling his seed deep into her for the first time. They both collapsed against each other, breathing fast.

  Tyree raised his head from Madison’s shoulder and kissed her on the tip of her nose. “I didn’t come in here for this, you know?” When she nodded, he continued, “I wanted to talk to you, but when I saw how damn good you looked in that towel—I lost control.” Rubbing her back, he pulled her into his arms, loving the feel of her naked body against his.

  She knew he didn’t come to her room for the purpose of having sex, but she couldn’t summon any regret or contempt for what did happen. She enjoyed every bit of it, however she wouldn’t tell him. He didn’t need to know that she wanted him more than anything else, she’d keep that to herself.

  Buried inside her still, Tyree easily picked her up and carried her to the bed. “Since, I’m here—” He left the statement unfinished, for they both knew what he meant. Laying her on the bed with her hip hanging off, he grasped her thighs an began to pump into her again. His dick quickly grew rigid, wanting more stroking.

  This round wasn’t as speedy as the first, but it was no less explosive. Tyree took his time to appreciate every aspect of this session. Instead of ramming his dick into her, he drew out every stroke, heightening her arousal. He played with her breasts, clit, and ass, causing her to cum multiple times before he found his own release.

  Madison lay on her back with Tyree collapsed across her catching his breath. Even though she knew it was a mistake, she wouldn’t allow any sour feelings to intrude on her euphoria. He was a magnificent lover and she was pleased to know he found pleasure with her. It was her last thought as she closed her eyes with a satisfied smile on her lips.

  Tyree knew exactly when she had fallen asleep because he could hear her breathing even out and her body went slack. Disengaging himself from her body, he pulled his pants up around his hips. He watched her as she rolled over to her side and snuggled into her pillow. Figuring it was the safest way to keep from pouncing on her again, he pulled the cover over her naked body.

  Letting himself out of her room he returned to his own with a heavy heart. He knew what they had just done hadn’t been reasonable, but he hadn’t had a reasonable thought from the moment he stepped into her room until he left her side. It seemed that all rational thought left and sinking into her sweet tight body had been the most important thing at that moment. He should feel ashamed of how he had use her body so roughly at first, but—.

  As the scene in Mad’s room replayed itself in his mind, Tyree became aware of one thing—contraception. Shit. He hadn’t even thought about protection. During their past sexual encounters he had always used a condom, but tonight he didn’t even bother. What if?—he couldn’t finish the thought. Surely nothing would come of it. He laid across his bed as his eyes grew heavy, thinking about the possible consequences of his lust. Damn.

  Madison was in the kitchen fixing breakfast the next morning when Tyree entered. “Morning,” he greeted as he took a seat.

  She turned from the stove. “Good morning. I made pancakes.” Smiling, she place his plate down and sat beside him.

  Wanting to talk about what happened the night before, but not knowing how to start, he remained silent. When he was finished eating, he turned to face her and found her looking at him with a funny expression on her face.


  She grinned and said, “You look uncomfortable. And I just wanted you to know that there’s nothing to talk about. We had sex and that was all it was” She picked up her empty plate and went to the sink. “It can’t happen again though.”

  Tyree watched her as she went about cleaning the remnants of breakfast away. How can she act as if nothing significant happened? he asked himself. It wasn’t just sex, dammit. “Look, Mad—” he began, but she interrupted him.

  “Let’s not get into it. What we did was release some sexual tension.” She looked at him from across the room. “Now, we move on. Period.”

  Before he could respond to her lunacy, she swept out of the kitchen. Leaving him feeling like he was a cheap date. How the hell did that happen?

  Chapter Twelve

  For the next three weeks, Tyree stayed away from the house as much as possible. He couldn’t be around Mad and not want to touch her, taste her, or hold her. It was even harder because she was dating Fabian. He may not have been hanging around the house often, but he knew that they went out almost every other night. It was making him sick, having to hear about Fabian this and Fabian that.

  He was sitting in the TV room watching a flick, thinking about her. She hadn’t said anything to him about being pregnant, so he guess it meant she wasn’t. Which was a good thing, he told himself. He was constantly telling himself that, but a part of him wanted her to be. He had no idea when that part started making an appearance, he just knew that it was something he wanted now that it was a possibility. To see her belly grow rounder with him child and being a part of it occupied his thoughts more with each passing day.

  “Ty, what are you watching?” Madison walked into the room and sat on the couch next to him. “Is it action or adventure?” she joked.

  “Action,” he commented absentmindedly.

  She settled more comfortably by his side, intending to relax and enjoy the moment. However, sitting so close caused her to recall the feel of his body pressed against hers. The feel of him deep inside her. Although Fabian and she had been dating for a while, her feelings weren’t as engaged. He was sweet and thoughtful in all their dealings, but she couldn’t seem to feel anything more than mild attraction. She didn’t even feel the stirrings of sexual interest. A sad state, that.

  Turning to study her, Tyree asked, “How is everything going with Fabian?” He really didn’t want to know. A part of his heart told him that she was his, but he s
tubbornly ignored it.

  “We’re doing okay.” She looked up at him, before she continued, “He wants to take me sailing this weekend.”

  His response was instantaneous. “Like hell!” he bellowed. Jerking her into his arms, he roared, “You are not going to some God forsaken place with a man you barely know.”

  Feeling incensed, she countered, “I know him well enough. It’s not your place to tell me what I can and can’t do.”

  Cursing softly, he released his grip on her. “I’m sorry, Mad. I just don’t want to see anything happen to you.”

  She caressed his cheek, feeling foolish. She knew she loved him as more than a friend, but he had set the terms and she was going about it the only way she knew how. “I know you want to protect me, but I have to leave the past behind and move forward.” Dropping her hand from his face, she continued, “I don’t want what I’ve lived through with Ron to darken anything I do in the future. I’m trying to live for a change.”

  Understanding where she was coming from, Tyree sighed in frustration. He knew she had been through hell with Ron and then he hadn’t done any better by her. “Just don’t go with him—please? I don’t think I could take it if something happened to you.”

  “I promise to hold off on any trips for now.” She eased off of his lap and returned to her seat. Deciding it may be good to change the subject, she asked, “So—how are things with you and Monica?”

  Scowling, he answered, “We haven’t been together for the past couple of weeks.” Seeing the look of surprise on her face, he explained, “She wanted something more permanent and I wasn’t ready for it. So, she decided that I wasn’t worth her time.”

  “Oh.” She looked at her hands. “I don’t know if that is good or bad news for you. Did you have any strong feelings for her?”

  Retrieving her hand from her lap, he said, “No. I enjoyed our time together occasionally, but she wasn’t mature enough to know her mind most of time.” He laughed humorlessly. “She actually thought that if she wasn’t seen at this party or another, her fans would be disappointed.”

  “Wow.” It was the only thing Madison could think to say. She knew from her encounters with Monica, that she was vain and selfish. But she thought that was something Tyree had liked about her. Well it seemed that she was wrong.

  “So Mad, how about we go to the club tonight?”

  Giving him a smile so charming, it sucked the breath from his lungs, she exclaimed, “Hells yeah. I could use some partying with my best friend.” Jumping up from the couch she headed to the door. She turned around to asked which club they were going to. He named one of the exclusive clubs located in downtown Los Angeles. She winked at him as she left the room.

  Sitting in the VIP section of the club, Madison and Tyree were sipping champagne and laughing when Monica walked up. “Hey Tyree,” she said as she rolled her eyes at his companion. “Madison.” She sat down on his left as Madison was seated at his right. “I thought that was you.”

  Tyree glanced at Madison before he turned his attention to Monica. “Yeah. Me and Mad just hangin’ out. What you doing here?”

  She placed her hand on his thigh. “Some friends and I wanted to party a little.” She leaned over and whispered something in his ear that made him laugh. With a triumphant smile, she glared at Madison.

  Determining that Tyree wasn’t going to get rid of Monica anytime soon, Madison stood up. “I’ll be back.”

  Tyree immediately disengaged himself from Monica’s clutches. “Where are you going?”

  Giving him an annoyed look, she replied, “To the bathroom—do you want to come?” She saw the look he gets when he think about sex cross his features. “Oh, never mind. Stay and entertain your—uh—friend.” Smirking at him, she walked away.

  Monica started running her hand up Tyree’s thigh, trying to entice him to leave with her. “Come on Tyree. You know we were good together.”

  “And you must have forgotten that you stopped fucking with me two weeks ago.” He didn’t wait to see what she would say. “If I leave here, it will be with Mad.”

  Sensing his disinterest, she questioned him. “Are you and her together now? I mean, she is staying in your house. If she’s your in-house ho, you—” The look he gave her cause her to stop midsentence.

  “I would not finish that thought if I were you.”

  Realizing her mistake, she tried to appease him. “Tyree, you know I love you. I just want to be with you.”

  Unaffected by her insincere words, he pulled her hand from his dick, where she had worked her way up to. If she thought rubbing him through his pants was going to get his interest, she was sadly mistaken. Although they had been dating since her return, he seldom fucked her. Which was telling in of itself.

  “Come on baby, I can make you so happy.” Monica reached for his dick again, but he blocked her hand. She was trying desperately to undo his button so she could try to arouse him. “Just let me show how good it is.”

  “Look Monica.” He grasped her hands in one of his. “I don’t want what you’re offering. We were done week ago. Stop acting like some bitch in heat.”

  Rearing back as if he had slapped her, she screamed, “You conceited, son-of-a—” Before she could finish insulting him, Tyree waved a hand and security escorted her from the club. Damn it felt good to famous sometimes.

  Madison walked up to the booth and noticed that someone was missing. “Where’s your girl?”

  Tyree inhaled a bracing breath, then let it out slowly. “She’s left the building.” Smiling at his phrasing, he invited to dance. With her agreement, he led her to the dancefloor. They danced to a fast song and were about to leave the floor when R. Kelly’s Sex In the Kitchen came on. Unable to resist the moment, he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to him, ready to enjoy the feel her body swaying with his.

  Madison was loving their bodies swaying together as much as Tyree. After weeks of trying to bury her feelings for him, she couldn’t deny that she relished in his attention. Granted, she didn’t know what happened between him and Monica tonight, but at least it was just her and her best friend.

  As Tyree moved with her to the music, he let his hands slide down her waist to cup her ass. When she didn’t pull away, he drew her closer. Damn, she felt so good in his arms. There could never be anyone else. He stopped moving when that thought struck him. When the fuck did she become more than my best friend?

  She noticed when he stopped and thought that maybe he was tired. “Are you done?”

  Feeling rattled by his revelation, he led her off the dancefloor. “We should call it a night.” Enjoying herself as she was, she agreed and they took their leave.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next morning saw Madison walking the garden wondering about Tyree’s strange behavior the night before. He had entered the house and excused himself to his room for the rest of the night. And when she came down this morning, he was already gone. Strange.

  Tyree was at that moment sitting in the studio, working on a special song. After hours of sitting in his room avoiding Mad, he had come to the decision to try to persuade her into giving them a chance at a serious relationship. He knew in his heart that he could never be with someone else—it was either her or no one. He wasn’t sure exactly when he had fallen in love with his best friend, but he knew that he couldn’t let her walk out of his life. And from the look of how her and Fabian were getting on, he knew that it was a very real possibility.

  After hours of deliberating, he knew he had to make a statement to her. Something that would let her know that she was his world and he was ready to be with her completely. Hence, the song he came up with. It was a tribute to her and what she truly meant to him. He just hoped that he hadn’t pushed her out of his reach. He had some work to do, and he was determined to make her his, irrevocably.

  Madison was just getting back from her dinner date with Fabian, when Tyree called her into the TV room. As she entered, she spotted him sitting on the couch with
a bottle of white wine on the table. “Hey, Ty. Was there something you wanted?”

  He smiled at her expression of confusion. “I do.” He got up and walked over to her. “How was your date?”

  “It was good. We went to some gourmet restaurant on the coast.” She looked at him with weary eyes. “Ty, what’s going on?”

  He clasped her hand and pulled her toward the couch. “I have something I need to talk to you about.” Pushing her onto the couch, he sat beside her. “I’ve missed us.”

  Laughing nervously, she said, “What are you talking about. We’ve been hangin’ out and stuff.”

  Holding her hand in his, he raised it to his lips causing her to gasp. “Mad, I miss us. Not just us hangin’ out or having chats. I miss you and me. The connection that was always between us.”

  Still not understanding where he was coming from, she asked, “Exactly what do you feel is missing?”

  Handing her a glass of wine, he took a sip of his. “We’re missing the comfortable connection we shared.” Shaking his head because he knew he wasn’t saying it right, but he continued, “It’s like we’re trying hard to forget what happened between us. And I’m sorry, but I can’t pretend anymore.” He placed his glass on the table, then removed hers from her grasp and set it beside his. “Mad, I know I told you that I wasn’t ready for something serious, but I have come to realize that I can’t keep denying how I feel about you.”

  Not ready to hear what he was about to say, she stopped him. “Ty, it’s okay. I don’t expect you to confess some undying love for me.” She touched his lips. “I’m happy to be your friend. I never expected anything more from you and you know I love you. Let’s just let sleeping dogs lie.”

  He kissed her finger where it pressed against his lips. “I love you as more than a friend, Mad.”

  “No.” Shaking her head in denial, she rose. “I’m going to bed. Thanks for the drink.” She raced from the room before she could embarrass herself. It was bad enough that he felt compelled to offer her false declarations, she had to get out of sight before she broke out in tears. She loved him so much and she didn’t want him to think that she was forcing him into anything he wasn’t ready for. God, how she was so tired of battling her feelings. She needed to move out before they did something that would kill their friendship forever.